Premium Leather Choices in Custom Amish Furniture

Premium Leather Choices.

We often include Amish hand stitched leather accents in our Amish crafted furniture and chairs.

Examples of all of these can be seen across the pictures on our site. Any item shown here on this site can also be done in many other leathers, faux leathers and highly cleanable modern fabrics. You can also supply fabric of your choice for us to install in seats and chair backs. Let us know the area of interest and we’ll send you pictures or specific links to look at.

Shown below are swatches of our leather offerings that we try to keep in stock. Additional colors are available. If you wish we can send samples of these when you order to confirm your choice.

Whiskey Texas Red
Oxblood Merlot Java
Dark Oak Camel Black

Our Other Standard Stain Colors can be viewed here